Help us take our paws from rock to rubber!
Your donation greatly supports the Imbler Track & Field Community Project. Our goal is to replace the current gravel track with an 8-lane rubberized track and construct new field event facilities at Imbler High School. The project even includes lights for the football field! The track will not only be used by Imbler track athletes, but also by all K-12 Imbler students during physical education classes and recess times. The track will be open for use by the public for exercise and wellness.
Cash Donation Goal
The Imbler Track & Field Community Project is part of the Imbler Education Foundation which is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, EIN: 32-0243477. By providing your email address through our donation links or on the pledge form you will receive a tax receipt and other correspondence about our track project.
Imbler Track Project Rendering